Home Elected Officials Paul Rusk, District 12 Supervisor

Paul Rusk, District 12 Supervisor

Paul Rusk, District 12 Supervisor
Paul Rusk, District 12 Supervisor

Normally I don’t comment on issues that primarily involve state or federal government or the City of Madison.

After the terrible school shooting tragedy in Florida, we received emails indicating that the Dane County Board should become involved in school safety and gun control issues. Please keep in mind that the state Legislature has pre-empted any role for local government when it comes to firearm regulation. However, I am very pleased to see articulate students leading the way for sensible changes, including comprehensive background checks. I am hopeful changes can be made that do not interfere with law-abiding citizens or hunters as Wisconsin is a big hunting state.

By the time you read this, the Air Guard Scoping Session regarding the F 35 fighter jets coming to Truax Field will have happened. There are other opportunities to comment, including a public hearing tentatively set for summer 2018. You can comment online at www.ANGF35EIS.

Neither the Airport Commission nor the county board have a say in how the federal government proceeds, but I have been trying to share information with the neighborhood associations.

I was surprised that the City of Madison changed our polling location from St. Paul’s Church to the Lakeview Library, apparently due to concerns about the separation between church and state, which we all support. Our dedicated poll workers were doing fine at the February primary and even had signs up at St. Paul’s and the library to direct people. St. Paul’s was centrally located where many could walk, and the bake sale revenue added to their emergency fund. In the future there could be more opportunity for public input.

Supervisor Rusk can be reached at 249-9667 or rusk@countyofdane.com.