Home Senior NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger

NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger

NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger
NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger

Has AppleFest run its course?

Has AppleFest run its course as a community fundraiser? Attendance has gradually decreased and revenue has leveled off as we compete with other fall festivals. AppleFest has been a wonderful Northside community event, and I would be saddened by its ending. But to revitalize AppleFest we need considerably more resources. Could NewBridge host a different type of community event on the Northside in its place? Your opinion matters to me. Send your input to info@newbridgemadison.org.

The U.S Census matters

Your participation in the 2020 U.S. Census is important. An accurate census count matters for senior adults. Over $675 billion in federal funds, grants and support to states, counties and communities across the nation are based on census data. The data impacts some of the funding NewBridge receives from Dane County. 

In March you will receive an invitation in the mail to complete the census online. If you are a senior who does not have a computer or needs assistance filling out the census on the computer, NewBridge can help. In April NewBridge will schedule times at various locations in Madison when a volunteer will be available to help you. Contact our office (608-512-0000) for more information. 

Black Tie Bingo fundraiser

NewBridge is hosting our annual Black Tie Bingo fundraiser Thursday, May 7, at 6 pm at the Monona Terrace Convention Center. Tickets are $100 for individuals, $50 for Friends of NewBridge, and include a buffet dinner. Tickets can be purchased at our main office or our website (newbridgemadison.org). 

NewBridge received a substantial cut in funding ($80,000) this year for the three critical services we provide for older adults in the community. Black Tie Bingo is a major fundraiser for NewBridge and we hope you will support us by attending. It’s a wonderful, fun evening.