Home Elected Officials Michele Ritt, District 18 Supervisor

Michele Ritt, District 18 Supervisor

Michele Ritt, District 18 Supervisor
Michele Ritt, District 18 Supervisor

How the world should be, snapper style.
I was driving home one morning this week and saw a lump in the road. Several cars and a bicyclist passed by. I approached slowly and saw it was a turtle trying to cross the road.

I stopped and was searching for a stick, an ice scraper, or something to help me get it across safely. Several more cars passed by. They all slowed down, but no one stopped or spoke to me.

A woman pulled over and asked if I needed help. I told her I was trying to save a turtle and asked if she had an ice scraper. She said no, but quickly offered up her umbrella.

As I tried to convince the turtle that the middle of the road was not safe, it kept snapping at me. I jumped each time. Soon, the woman joined me in the middle of the road. She dug around in her trunk and found her ice scraper. As I continued my efforts, with both hands loaded, the turtle kept snapping. Now, we both jumped and laughed together.

The turtle finally decided it could not fend off both an umbrella and an ice scraper, so finally finished crossing the road.

I had the will, but not all the tools I needed. I needed help. The kindness of a stranger both kept me safe as well as saved the turtle’s life. Together, we made it happen.

As the world around us seems to fall apart, little moments are what will make the difference. We need to take the time to notice, and to stop and help one another. We need each other now, more than ever before.

Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or issues. I can be reached at 335-6827 or ritt.michele@countyofdane.com.