Home Senior Jim Krueger, NorthBridge Executive Director

Jim Krueger, NorthBridge Executive Director

Jim Krueger, NorthBridge Executive Director
NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger

Let us never forget

Nov. 11 is Veterans Day, our national day of thanks to veterans as we honor them for their many sacrifices. I want to especially acknowledge the many living older adults who served in World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam for your service. 

Nov. 26 is Thanksgiving and for many this is a day to spend with loved ones and to give thanks for what we appreciate. 

These days of honor and celebration will likely be different this year because of COVID-19. Many Veterans Day celebrations will be held virtually, and family gatherings for Thanksgiving will be smaller. Community meals for those less fortunate may not be held at all. I hope on these two days we will take the time to contact a veteran and thank them for their service, reach out to the special persons in our lives on Thanksgiving Day, and take a moment to reflect and give thanks for the good things in our lives. 

NewBridge Madison is hosting a weeklong online fundraiser, BRIDGING HOPE, the week of Oct. 5‒9. Join us online newbridgemadison.org, to support the critical services our staff provides for low-income and homebound seniors. Our goal is to raise $30,000 to support low-income seniors in Madison. 

Watch a livestream concert, participate in a silent auction for some wonderful art pieces painted by seniors, join local businesses supporting us on corporate match day, enter your name for a grand prize drawing and much more. 

I cannot wait to reopen our doors and see the smiling faces of our older adults, our volunteers and so many of you in the community whom I have come to know and appreciate over the years. We still don’t know when that will be. Wishing you all good health.