Home Library From the library to your living room: while Lakeview is closed, neighborhood librarian recommends online reads (and more)

From the library to your living room: while Lakeview is closed, neighborhood librarian recommends online reads (and more)

From the library to your living room: while Lakeview is closed,  neighborhood librarian recommends online reads (and more)

By Carra Davies
Lakeview Neighborhood Librarian

Madison Public Libraries are closed until further notice, but our staff is working behind the scenes to keep you updated and to provide increased opportunities for literacy and connection outside the walls of the library.

Madison Public Library book drops are also closed, so please hold on to any library materials you have at home. Due dates on all items currently checked out have been extended, and no late fees will be assessed on items during our closure, so enjoy those books, magazines, movies and music.

Check out madisonpubliclibrary.org for updates regarding schedules and procedures for COVID-19.

Now is also a great time to get to know Madison Public Libraries online resources. (For many of these resources, you’ll need to enter your library card number for access, but through the library, they are all free.) Go to madisonpubliclibrary.org and select “Research & Resources” to discover all of the resources available to you at home. 

Flipster gives you access to full-text popular magazines. Ancestry is now available to access from your home, so find your family and research your roots. 

If you haven’t had the time to fulfill that resolution to learn a new language, here’s your chance. Select “Mango Languages” and create a login (free) for access to self-paced instruction in many different languages. 

There are auto repair manuals, school resources for children, and many more useful topics to explore.

If you haven’t tried the library’s e-book collection yet, download Libby on your phone or tablet for access to thousands of books and audiobooks on your device. Many titles have been added to provide increased access during this period of social distancing. You might also want to check out some book reviews by library staff to help decide what you want to read next — select MADeads Reviews on madisonpubliclibrary.org.

Looking for some unplugged ideas? Revisit your own library. Pick up a children’s book, a classic from the shelf, or that magazine article you’ve been meaning to get to. Dust off those board games in the back of the closet. Start a journal and write about your experiences and observations. Write a letter (the kind with actual paper). Try your hand at poetry. A haiku is a 5-syllable line, followed by a 7-syllable line, followed by another 5-syllable line.

Reading, learning, fun
Lakeview Public Library
Has it all and more!

While we miss seeing your faces every day, we’re still here and community is as important to us as ever. Practice safe community and literacy.

All ages activities online with the Madison Public Library
Some of these resources may require a library card.

Research and resources
Find and search for eResources available through the Madison Public Library. madisonpubliclibrary.org/resources

Library @ home
Find a list of resources available from home at madisonpubliclibrary.org/at-home.

The Bubbler in your bubble
Stop here for all-ages creativity and to connect online with former Bubbler artists-in-residence. madisonpubliclibrary.org/new/bubbler-in-your-bubble

Through madisonpubliclibrary.org, access a collection of animated talking picture books, read-alongs, books, quizzes, lesson plans, and educational games.