Home WPCRC Circle of Friends gets mayor’s letter of support

Circle of Friends gets mayor’s letter of support

Circle of Friends gets mayor’s letter of support

By Dorothy Borchardt
Circle of Friends

Good News, Mayor Paul Soglin kept his promise and sent a letter of support for the Warner Pool to the Circle of Friends (CoF) board.

In other news, Jo Ann Walker, one of the founding members of the Circle of Friends and supporter of the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) when it was just a dream, has resigned from the CoF board. JoAnn volunteered at the front desk for many years and served as chair of the Advisory Board. She will be missed.

Membership in the CoF is open to all residents that use the WPCRC and want to be a part of its continuing growth and success. Board members are selected from CoF members who have volunteered to help and have the time to participate on a working board. Our board members are all volunteers; we have no paid staff. New members and volunteers are always welcome. For more information, contact dborchardt1@charter.net. Go Northside!

Mayor’s Letter