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Wild Warner founder receives Rising Star Award


By Paul Noeldner
Friends of Urban Nature

Former Northside resident and Wild Warner founder Trish O’Kane was in Madison recently to receive the special honor of a UW Nelson Institute Rising Star Award for her “Last Child in the Park” program, which she started 10 years ago. 

This innovative Northside community initiative pairs UW Nelson Institute Capstone students with Sherman Middle School Nature Explorers on walks to Warner Park every Wednesday after school. The UW students read and learn about the challenges of growing up in urban areas with little access to nature, which is so important to healthy development. The children enjoy learning about nature, making forts in Warner Woods, sledding on Sled Hill in winter, helping plant prairie seeds, and playing nature games with their UW student buddies, who share their love of nature and offer role models for children who may be the first in their family to go to college.

Trish now teaches at the University of Vermont in Burlington, and her model program for getting children outdoors has been extended there and at other locations. She is writing a book about her experiences called “Birding to Change the World” that will be available soon.