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Warner Park to host Master Naturalist training


By Jan Axelson
Friends of Cherokee Marsh

The summer of 2024 will mark the ninth year of Master Naturalist training at Warner Park. If you are interested in learning about the natural world on the Northside and beyond, Master Naturalist training may be for you.

You may have heard of the Master Gardener program, which provides training for garden volunteers. The Master Naturalist program is similar but with a focus on nature and conservation. The training includes 40 hours of talks by experts, field trips, and other activities held in a small group of participants.

Following the training, Master Naturalists are encouraged to volunteer in conservation and continue their learning. Volunteer activities might include helping with land restoration, guiding nature walks, leading activities with children, or monitoring birds, bats or other wildlife.

Thanks to the efforts of local volunteers, you can receive training right here on the Northside. Volunteer Paul Noeldner recalled, “Ten years ago, there was no Master Naturalist training in the Madison area. I was part of a small group of volunteers who resolved to change the situation.” The training has been held every year since 2016.

A special aspect of the Warner Park training is a focus on urban nature and connecting families and children with nature in every neighborhood. Many of the graduates have active roles in local Friends groups.

Northsider Kathlean Wolf reported, “I’ve loved being a Master Naturalist volunteer the past seven years because it’s opened the way for me to share a love of nature with the community. I lead walks in Warner Park every few months to talk about whatever’s going on that month. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll connect them with the right resource, or I’ll do the research myself. I get to meet the most interesting people that way, and learn new things from them as well.”

Master Naturalist Sheila Leary recalled, “Some who take the training have degrees in environmental fields, but many, like me, are avid amateurs. Everyone learns new things. Birders learn some geology, rockhounds learn about wetlands, science PhDs learn how to work with children, and amateurs gain confidence in doing citizen science or leading nature programs.”

The training will take place on six Saturdays in July and August at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center, 1625 Northport Drive. The field trips typically include Cherokee Marsh and Warner Park on the Northside, as well as destinations such as Devil’s Lake State Park and the Aldo Leopold Foundation’s “Leopold shack” near the Wisconsin River.

The cost is $275, and financial assistance is available. Group size is limited to 20 participants, who must be at least 18 years old. The class can fill early so register soon if interested.

The Master Naturalist program is supported through the University of Wisconsin–Madison Division of Extension and other partners. The training at Warner Park is sponsored by the Friends of Urban Nature, a coalition of individuals and local organizations that promote nature learning and enjoyment in the Madison area.

Learn more at wimasternaturalist.org.