Home Community Warner beachfront reconstruction

Warner beachfront reconstruction

Warner beachfront reconstruction
Esther Beach Park bathhouse and shelter, the design proposed for the Warner Park Beach Bathhouse/shelter. Photo provided by City of Madison

By Beth Sluys
Northside News

The City Parks Division is reconstructing the parking lot at Warner Park Boat Launch. The boat launch ramps and breakwater were reconstructed last year and the upcoming parking lot work will bring the Warner Park launch up to modern standards. According to the project engineer, Corey Stelljes, “the parking lot of the boat launch will be closed for the last half of September through November when it will reopen for access and parking for ice fishing.”

The overall project will include the resurfacing of the parking lot and restriping it to include diagonal parking stalls similar to the launch at Marshall Park. The lot will have directional traffic flow, lighting improvements, and the sidewalk will be replaced along Woodward drive. An invasive species wash station, new landscaping and parking lot islands will also be included in the final project.

“Most of the actual paving work will be completed by the end of November with the lighting and other aspects completed for our reopening for the first weekend in May 2019,” said Stelljes.

Meanwhile, the Warner Beach bathhouse project and design review/input meetings for the public are slated to take place this winter, a delay in the schedule originally to occur this Fall. Sara Lerner, the landscape architect assigned to the design work for the bathhouse project, indicated that the bathhouse will be “similar to what was done at Esther Beach Park and is currently under design.”

Ann Freiwald (afreiwald@cityofmadison.com), Planning and Development Manager for the Parks Division, stated, “there will be two public meetings sometime this winter for public input and review for the bathhouse.”