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The Gift of Gobble

The Gift of Gobble

By Amy Lord
The River Food Pantry

Imagine Thanksgiving dinner but without the turkey. It’s just not the same, is it? 

For some families in our community, a Thanksgiving turkey is a $25 luxury they just can’t afford. You can help a family right here in Dane County this Thanksgiving by giving the “Gift of Gobble” with The River Food Pantry. In 2014, The River distributed 800 turkeys to community members who shop at the pantry. This year our goal is to distribute 1,000 turkeys. 

We need your help to reach our goal. Visit www.RiverFoodPantry.org and donate $25 for every turkey you would like to see given to a family in our community. Please specify “turkey” in the designation box when you make the donation. You can also mail your donation to The River Food Pantry, 2102 Darwin Road, Madison, WI 53704, and write “turkey” on the memo line of your check. 

If you have questions, contact The River Food Pantry at river@riverfoodpantry.org