Home Schools & Youth Request to drivers using Kennedy Road near Lindbergh School

Request to drivers using Kennedy Road near Lindbergh School

Request to drivers using Kennedy Road near Lindbergh School
Northsiders are asked to avoid driving in front of Lindbergh School during arrival and dismissal times. Photo by Sami Head

By Sami Head
Lindbergh Elementary School

School is back in session for our youngest learners and that means lots of little bodies walking, biking, and being dropped off at schools. At Lindbergh Elementary School, this means changes in our arrival and dismissal procedures, as well as our traffic patterns. 

For those Northsiders who regularly use Kennedy Road as a throughway to and from Northport Drive and neighborhood streets, our changes may impact your route.

During arrival times (8:20‒8:45 am) and dismissal times (3:20‒3:45 pm), we ask that you maintain a speed of 20 mph or lower and if possible, avoid driving in front of Lindbergh. In other words, turn on Havey Road, Dapin Road or Claremont Lane instead of driving directly in front of the school. 

You will also notice a new crosswalk in front of our school. We encourage all students, families and community members to access this new crosswalk as much as possible when crossing the street.

We are excited to have our Flyers back in session. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to see our daily adventures as we fly into this new way of being together.