Home Elected Officials Paul Rusk, District 12 Supervisor

Paul Rusk, District 12 Supervisor

Paul Rusk, District 12 Supervisor
Paul Rusk, District 12 Supervisor

As the director of the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin (ADAW), I’m delighted the Northside News is emphasizing senior issues in this edition. Dane County funds many programs and services for seniors. Often seniors are reluctant to ask, but assistance with transportation, meals or in-home help allows folks to stay independent in their homes, a huge benefit to all. I hope this edition helps promote what is available to encourage ways to enhance quality of life.

For decades Dane County, the City of Madison, United Way and several municipalities have funded 16 senior focal points so seniors can easily access assistance close to home. This is unique in Wisconsin. We are fortunate to have the North/Eastside Senior Coalition (243-5252 or www.nescoinc.org), located in the Warner Park Community Recreation Center, where seniors can access information, local programs and case management.

We have a beautiful, state-of-the-art nursing facility at Badger Prairie (845-6601) for those who need specialized nursing care. I was proud to serve on the planning committee. Most seniors will never need this level of care, but it is there, just in case.

The county funds the Elder Abuse & Neglect Helpline (261-9933), which investigates reports of physical, emotional or financial abuse, and the Area Agency on Aging of Dane County (260-9930 or danecountyhumanservices.org/Aging/AreaAgencyonAging), which has numerous programs for seniors.

My organization, the ADAW (232-3400 or www.alzwisc.org), assists with everything related to dementia and is partially funded through a county contract. The newest Northside addition is the Aging & Disability Resource Center (240-7400 or www.daneadrc.org), funded with state dollars, where you can access general information on services, resources and programs available to the elderly and disabled, including financial assistance programs.

Supervisor Rusk can be reached at 249-9667 or rusk@countyofdane.com.