Home Community Northside churches offer opportunities for senior fellowship

Northside churches offer opportunities for senior fellowship

Northside churches offer opportunities for senior fellowship

By Terrie Anderson
Northside News

I spoke with several Northside pastors and church staff, and all described the importance of seniors in their congregations. They value the wisdom and experience seniors bring to their groups and appreciate the chance to support them as they age. Some churches have specific programs for their older members and were pleased to talk about them because they welcome new participants.

Madison Community Seventh-day Adventist Church
Madison Community Seventh-day Adventist Church holds a once-a-month peer fellowship meeting, which includes lunch, on the third Wednesday of each month. These “Keenagers” meetings start at 11:30 am and are held at one member’s home, so call for information about joining. The church is located at 1926 Elka Lane. For more information, call 249-2080.

St. Paul Lutheran Church
St. Paul Lutheran Church has a dedicated senior day each week. On Thursdays, seniors are invited to “Senior Connections.” Participants gather at 10 am for coffee and visiting. They are invited to select foodstuffs from the Bread of Life Food Pantry, if needed. A nutritious lunch is enjoyed by everyone. After lunch the seniors play board games, cards and bingo one week and join in Bible study the next week. St. Paul is located at 2126 N. Sherman Ave. Call them at 244-8077 for more information.

Lakeview Lutheran Church
Lakeview Lutheran Church offers programming and collaborates with others to serve the needs of seniors. The church is at 4001 Mandrake Rd. The phone number is 244-6181.

Monthly meals followed by a euchre tournament are put on by Lakeview Lutheran and the North/East Side Senior Coalition, alternating sites. Both Lakeview congregants and community seniors participate. Lunches and euchre will be at Lakeview at 11 am on Mar. 16, May 18 and June 8. This event will be held at Warner Park Community Recreation Center at 11 am on Feb. 23 and Apr. 20. Those who don’t wish to play euchre can enjoy the fellowship of others after lunch. Contact Chris Anders at 244-6181 to sign up so they can insure ample food is prepared for lunch.

Lakeview has a senior bus trip several times a year, accommodating people who may be using walkers. Participants have to be able to climb the stairs onto the bus with assistance. Recent trips have included downtown Chicago, winery tours, Dubuque museums and Milwaukee attractions. Prices and dates vary, so call the church office, 244-6181, for information.

Pastor Dean conducts a Wednesday Bible study at noon every week. Coffee is served and some participants bring a lunch. Participants are asked to bring a Bible. Everything is accessible.

Lakeview’s food pantry is open every Monday at 5 pm. Guests are asked to call the church office on Monday morning to be put on the list, as only 25 households can be served each week.

Are you a senior whose circle of friends is shrinking? Pick an activity and meet some new neighbors, all here on the Northside.