Home Senior NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger

NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger

NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger
NewBridge Executive Director, Jim Krueger

What is the new normal?

Once the Safer at Home restrictions are lifted for Dane County, many people will return to work or school and integrate back into the community. But that will not be the case for many seniors. The majority of deaths associated with the coronavirus are adults age 65 and older. Seniors will be asked to continue to self-quarantine. As many of us get back out in the community, let’s make it our personal responsibility to protect seniors from the coronavirus. It is critical we follow the guidelines for social distancing and wearing masks so we do not unknowingly start a spread of the virus that could ultimately be passed on to a senior. 

During Safer at Home, the NewBridge staff was communicating with seniors who use our services. Many seniors were isolated and lonely and beginning to feel depressed. Just like everyone else, they want their lives back. A lot of seniors are afraid to go out in public before a vaccine is found. But how long will it be before that happens? 

Socialization is very important for seniors. How long will it be before seniors are allowed to play cards with their peers? When will they be able to congregate in larger groups? How long before seniors in nursing homes or assisted living facilities can be with their families or their grandchildren? We have no idea how long seniors will remain isolated in their homes or what the new normal will be when NewBridge resumes our programming.

The local community has been great in supporting seniors during COVID-19. NewBridge appreciates all the wonderful volunteers and businesses that are helping us get food and essential supplies to seniors in need or helping out financially so we can purchase these goods. Thank you.