Home Senior NESCO Executive Director, Jim Krueger

NESCO Executive Director, Jim Krueger

NESCO Executive Director, Jim Krueger
Jim Krueger, NESCO Executive Director

What to do about transportation costs?

In April the United Way of Dane County held an event to unveil their new agenda for change for seniors. When asked what the obstacles are for attending programs offered for seniors in the community, the overwhelming response was transportation. For many, the city bus is not an option and they cannot afford the cost of paratransit or a cab on a regular basis. (Cab fare from the Northside to the Madison Senior Center, for example, costs $15 round trip.) Dane County Human Services and the City of Madison allocate a significant amount of funding for senior transportation but the need far outweighs the means. The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) suffered significant funding cuts at the federal level and can only provide rides for medical appointments.

Transportation costs have been a problem for years now and, as our senior population grows, it will be an even bigger concern down the road. We need to find a solution soon.