Home Elected Officials Michele Ritt, District 18 Supervisor

Michele Ritt, District 18 Supervisor

Michele Ritt, District 18 Supervisor
Michele Ritt, District 18 Supervisor

A new year is here, and with it comes a fresh start. I am especially excited about the inauguration of a new governor for the state of Wisconsin. While the previous one worked hard to push through his policies, I found myself with a differing viewpoint and a different approach to government. With Tony Evers as our new governor, I look forward to moving toward a restored system of checks and balances and a new commitment to collaboration.

In the most recent edition of the Northside News, I wrote about the Dane County plan to address the recent flooding in our community. The technical work group that began its work in the fall is preparing its report for the special task force that was created by the Lakes and Watershed Commission and the Environment Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. I am proud to be appointed to this group. This group is charged with making policy recommendations that would implement those strategies. The overall goal is to improve resiliency for future flooding events. The expected date for completion of this work is prior to March 31, 2019. 

This task force consists of people representing different areas of expertise and different areas of the county. I look forward to working with this group to create projects and policies that will reduce flooding in our community. I believe that bringing various viewpoints to the same table is the best way to approach problem-solving.

Please let me know if you have specific questions or ideas about this task force. I will bring them to the group. I will also keep you posted on the progress.

Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or issues. I can be reached at 335-6827 or ritt.michele@countyofdane.com.