Home Editor Managing Editor’s Column: April/May 2020

Managing Editor’s Column: April/May 2020

Managing Editor’s Column: April/May 2020
Oona Mackesey-Green

I had intentions of writing a meaningful and reflective column about the chaos of the last several weeks. I thought I might offer thoughts about the uncertainty, the fear and the way that time seems to be slowing and accelerating in unexpected ways as we adjust to a rapidly shifting reality. But as we rework this paper for what must be the tenth day of trying to keep pace with the news, all I feel is exhausted. And, surprisingly, immensely grateful.

Given the current circumstances, we may not be able to publish our next print edition according to our usual bi-monthly schedule. We will continue to publish online, though, and to reach out to the community for stories and information to share. 

I am grateful for all of the contributions that made this issue possible. The number of people involved in producing each edition is astonishing. By the time you’re reading this, it will have been a month since people sent in their submissions. Three weeks since ads and articles were edited, tidied and organized. Two weeks since articles, photos and ads were placed in pages. And one week since we decided to redo all of it in order to be able to print at least some content responding to the global pandemic.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by a sense of scarcity as everything from toilet paper to paychecks disappear in the attempt to contain COVID-19. Compiling this issue and hearing about the community responses to crisis has been proof of the places where we can still find abundance.