Home Community Fence on Northport Drive

Fence on Northport Drive

Fence on Northport Drive
The fence along Northport Drive had several missing sections, with a blaze-orange plastic fence covering one of the gaps. Photos by Laurel Sampson

By Laurel Sampson
Northside News

What is going on with the median fence that stretches down Northport Drive between Packers Avenue and Sherman Avenue? More often than not, the black metal fence is missing sections or is in need of repair. Most recently a blaze-orange plastic fence was on display for all who pass by the intersection of Northport and Sherman.

According to Neighborhood Resource Police Officer David Dexheimer, the fence may be damaged due to heavy traffic patterns along Northport Drive because rear-end collisions are common. Police reports indicate the most recent damage to the fence occurred in January 2016 on a day we received almost 3 inches of snowfall. Fortunately, no one was injured. The fence was installed several years ago with the safety of Northsiders in mind, Dexheimer explained. “By limiting pedestrian access to controlled crossing points, I have no doubt that the fence has prevented untold injury and possibly pedestrian fatalities,” he said.

In 2011, during reconstruction of Northport Drive, the neighborhood upgraded from a chain link fence to the more decorative one. Maintenance of the fence is the responsibility of the Madison Streets Division. Deputy City Engineer Michael Dailey agreed that the fence has seen its share of damage from automobiles. Dailey said the most recent repairs were delayed while they waited for parts to arrive.

Shortly after speaking with Dailey for this article, the fence was fixed. Thank you to everyone in the department for your work improving the safety of our Northside.