Home Editor Editor’s Column: October/November 2015

Editor’s Column: October/November 2015


At first FEED was simply a kitchen to me. I’ll confess something here that not only goes against my gender role but also Madison culture: I really don’t like to cook. I suspect decades of resisting traditional roles in my Indian culture had something to do with that. What use did I have for a giant kitchen? But then I began to see FEED’s potential as an engine of economic development and innovation, and my vision continued to expand: FEED truly is a critical link in the local food system. This is the place that connects farmers directly to families, as Madhavi Krishnan is doing through Square Harvest. This is the place where Madison can process fresh produce for its food pantries so everyone can have access to fruits and vegetables, as Chris Brockel is doing through the Healthy Food For All program. My brain got excited. FEED is a place to create, connect and contribute.

But over the last two months, as I got to know the entrepreneurs who use FEED and the students in the vocational training programs held there, FEED also found its way into my heart. There is something even more powerful here for our socially fragmented culture: FEED is a place to belong.

“FEED has given me a community, a sense of purpose,” said one returning prisoner in the JUST Bakery program. A member of our new custodial team recently told me, “I love coming to work here. I look forward to it all week.” And one new volunteer said, “I just want to be part of the good energy.”

Board members of the Northside Planning Council (NPC) put in over 500 volunteers hours in July and August to help FEED, NPC and the Northside News better serve this community. Our hope is to create an open and welcoming place for anyone who would like to be involved. For example, we’re posting meeting agendas and action items on our website, northsidemadison.org, so anyone who’s interested can learn more about our work.

On page 4, you’ll see the Northside Planning Council’s volunteer listing.  Each of these position descriptions is an open door for you: Come in! Get to know some fascinating and fun people who you might not otherwise meet. Become part of our team and enjoy the sense of shared accomplishment. Whatever you have to offer, we can find a place for you here.

We’re hosting a volunteer orientation and a FEED tour guide training Monday, Oct. 12 at 6 pm at the FEED Kitchens, 1219 N. Sherman Ave. We’ll be celebrating FEED’s second anniversary at the Harvest Festival at NorthGate Shopping Center on Oct. 23 from 3–7 pm. Come explore how FEED, NPC and the Northside News fit into your life.