Home Business COVID-19 updates at Willy North

COVID-19 updates at Willy North

COVID-19 updates at Willy North
Willy Street Co-op North is located in Northside TownCenter. Photo submitted by Willy Street Co-op

By Brendon Smith
Willy Street Co-op

You can now order select sandwiches, wraps, juices and heat-and-eat family meals for same-day curbside pickup. Visit willystreet.coop/curbside for these and other curbside pickup options.

The bulk departments at all three of our stores have partially reopened. Our bulk department is where you can take as much or as little of a product as you’d like — from a tablespoonful to 10 pounds.

  1. Bulk coffee is back.
  2. Most gravity bins (the kind where you pull down the handle) are open again.
  3. Bulk kombucha is available at Willy North.

The scoop bins are not yet available and there are still supply shortages of some products overall. Please do not bring in your own containers to fill in the bulk department, except for growlers for kombucha that are not intended for drinking from directly. And please, no sampling the product.

Face coverings remain required to shop in our stores. Shoppers who say they cannot wear a face covering for a medical reason will be accommodated if they wear a face shield to shop. We have disposable masks and shields to use if you do not have one. If you are unable to wear either, you can instead order from our online store for delivery or pick up, or utilize our other pre-order curbside offerings when available. See willystreet.coop/curbside for options.

Willy North store hours are 8 am‒8 pm daily. The hours before 10 am are reserved for seniors and those with compromised immune systems.

The Juice and Coffee Bar is not currently serving made-to-order drinks. We offer drip coffee and bakery products and are continuing to offer bottled fresh juices.

For the most up-to-date information about changes we’ve made due to COVID-19, see willystreet.coop/coronavirus.