Home WPCRC Circle of Friends goes citywide

Circle of Friends goes citywide

Circle of Friends goes citywide

By Dorothy Borchardt
Warner Park Circle of Friends

The time has come for the Circle of Friends (CoF) to go citywide with our dream for an indoor pool at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC). The Warner pool will be used year-round with affordable swim lessons for all children. Swim meets on weekends will draw families to Madison’s Northside, fostering new jobs for pool staff and new customers for Northside businesses, and possibly even creating a demand for a hotel off International Lane.

Wanting to share the dream with the entire swimming community, CoF has organized a new subcommittee made up of swim families from all over town. By the time you read this article, the subcommittee will have held their first meeting. If you are interested in having your voice heard, please let us know. Contact Steve Nelson if you’d like to serve on a working committee.

In addition to the Warner Pool Fund, the CoF has a general fund to cover other needs at the WPCRC. Do you need to use a computer for a couple of hours and don’t have one? Check out a laptop or tablet to use at the center for up to two hours. The COF has also taken the lead on raising funds for equipment for the exercise room. When you come to exercise, drop off your donation with a note telling us what you think is needed. Every dollar helps.

Membership in the CoF is open to all residents who support the WPCRC and want to be a part of its continued growth and success. Board members are selected from CoF members who have volunteered to help and have the time to participate on a working board. Our board members are all volunteers; we have no paid staff.

New members and volunteers are always welcome. Contact one of the following: Dorothy Borchardt (dborchardt1@charter.net), Steve Nelson (onelly@charter.net), Terry Smith (tandbsmith926@yahoo.com).