Home Elected Officials Rebecca Kemble, District 18 Alderperson

Rebecca Kemble, District 18 Alderperson

Rebecca Kemble, District 18 Alderperson
Rebecca Kemble, District 18 Alderperson

Nov. 1 was the deadline for submitting comments to the Air Force about the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared for the potential siting of F-35A bomber jets in Madison. I submitted 64 comments and requested the Secretary of the Air Force to conduct a revised EIS.

My request noted the failure to follow Air Force rules regarding special outreach efforts to contact people who will be disproportionately impacted by increased noise levels. I also listed missing information that should be provided, including: 

  • The lack of a study on the impact on property values and property taxes within the 65 dB noise contour;
  • The lack of realistic modeling concerning afterburner use;
  • The lack of peak and Lmax dB data for both F-16C and F-35A aircraft in both military power
    and with afterburner use;
  • Given the large number of daycares in the area where young children nap, the lack of Probability of Awakening data for the hours between 7am and 10pm;
  • The lack of safety data for current F-16C operations;
  • The lack of safety data for F-35A operations;
  • The lack of any information on existing PFAS contamination or commitment by the Air Force to conduct a full site analysis;
  • The failure to include other construction projects within the scope of the EIS, even though their purpose is to prepare for the F-35s;

As of Nov. 12, I have not received a response from the Air Force.

In October I was part of a Madison delegation that traveled to Burlington, Vermont, to learn about the impacts F-35s are having in their community, and to attend a public meeting about potential noise mitigation for homeowners. We saw neighborhoods torn apart by previous mitigation efforts and learned that the process for receiving funds from the FAA to assist homeowners with sound insulation or purchase of their properties will take decades.

To keep up to date with information about F-35s and the initiative to bring them to our city, visit safeskiescleanwaterwi.org