Home Editor Managing Editor’s Column: October/November 2017

Managing Editor’s Column: October/November 2017

Managing Editor’s Column: October/November 2017
Oona Mackesey-Green

On page 19, Sherman Middle School teacher Vera Naputi reminds us that in the midst of local, national and global events, community members of all ages grapple with some of the same questions. How do we sift through emotions of grief, anger, confusion and weariness when they’re tied to moments where we may feel powerless, or overwhelmed?

At Sherman Middle School, curiosity and collaboration helps students stay engaged with current events. In her column this issue, and article about the Northside Community Council, NPC executive director Abha Thakkar invites us to counter the temptation to disengage by redoubling efforts where we can make a difference: at home, at work, in our own neighborhoods.

As a part of the media, the Northside News works to bridge the distances between news stories and the people that they belong to. Each article is a moment in someone’s life. While we strive to showcase the encouraging moments, we will not look away from the challenges that our friends, families and neighbors face. The issues that take center-stage around the country and around the world often reverberate through our own communities.

Over the next several months, we’ll dive into planning for another year of Northside News editions. If you’d like to be a part of the process, please reach out. You can reach me via the email below, at 204-7015 or on the Northside News Facebook page and website: facebook.com/thenorthsidenews and northsidenews.org. We welcome your stories, ideas and questions.

While the Oct/Nov issue feels unseasonal to me (it’s difficult to publish stories about road salt and preparations for winter while the trees are still full and the nights are warm), it offers another reminder: time doesn’t speed by as quickly as headlines suggest. It’s the work that happens between publication dates, the moments that swell beneath the pages, that move us forward. “News” may feel frightening or overwhelming, but the stories, in truth, belong to us.