Home Health Isthmus Veterinary Care, Marc Siegel, DVM

Isthmus Veterinary Care, Marc Siegel, DVM

Isthmus Veterinary Care, Marc Siegel, DVM
Marc Seigel, DVM

Dear Dr. Marc,

My husband insists on giving our pup, Gus, table scraps during our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. He tells me “Gus deserves a special treat, too” but I’m the one cleaning up the mess the next day. Any tips for my husband other than slapping him on the back of the head?

Kitty G


Hello Kitty,

One of the best parts about the holiday season is the delicious food we get to eat. Unfortunately for our pets, many of the decadent treats we love can be dangerous for them. It’s best to avoid giving table scraps altogether, but I know this can be difficult for some people. I suggest giving Gus cut up vegetables like carrots and string beans instead of turkey and stuffing. He likely won’t know the difference — a treat is a treat.

Here are some holiday foods to avoid:

  1. Fatty foods, like turkey skin and cheese, can cause diarrhea and vomiting, or a more serious condition called pancreatitis.
  2. Foods such as onions, garlic, raisins and grapes should be avoided. Grapes and raisins are especially dangerous, as even a small amount can cause kidney damage in some dogs.
  3. Bread dough can cause problems for pets, including painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating.
  4. Artificial sweeteners can be deadly if consumed by dogs.
  5. Chocolate can be harmful to pets. The darker the chocolate, the more poisonous it is to your pet.
  6. String, used to tie meat, is very dangerous as it can get stuck in your pet’s digestive tract.

If you believe your pet has eaten something it shouldn’t have, call a veterinarian or local veterinary emergency clinic immediately. Signs of pet distress include sudden changes in behavior, pain, vomiting or diarrhea. You can also call the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline at 888-426-4435.

Do you have questions for Dr. Marc? Send us an email at info@isthmusvetcare.com.