Home Community Troy Farm brings diverse vegetables to Madison’s tables and gardens

Troy Farm brings diverse vegetables to Madison’s tables and gardens

Troy Farm brings diverse vegetables to Madison’s tables and gardens
Troy Farm brings diverse vegetables to Madison’s tables and gardens. Photo by Patricia Espedal

By Renata Solan
Community GroundWorks

Whether or not you knew it, you’ve probably driven past Troy Farm. Madison’s only certified organic diversified vegetable farm to offer a CSA (boxes of vegetables set aside for you to pick up on the farm) is located on Troy Drive, in the heart of the Northside. While many of us are just starting to think about what to plant in this year’s garden, the farmers at Troy Farm have been hard at work since January making a detailed farm plan, ordering seeds, mixing their own soil mix for potting, and populating the greenhouse with seedlings that will become this year’s vegetables and herbs.

Their months of preparation ensure that Madisonians have beautiful, delicious, and varied vegetables to enjoy fresh from the farm or straight from your own garden.

Now, as the weather warms and the ground thaws, the farm prepares to transfer 250 varieties of vegetables, flowers, and herbs from the greenhouse to the ground. The resulting harvest will be available through the farm’s CSA program and for sale at the weekly farm stand, open Thursdays from June through October. The farm is currently accepting CSA members. Sign-up forms and additional information can be found at communitygroundworks.org.

With years of experience growing hundreds of varieties of vegetables, Troy Farm staff expertly choose plants that thrive in the south-central Wisconsin climate. And they are preparing to help you do the same. At their annual plant sale, some of Troy Farm’s most popular vegetables and herbs are available to the public. All of the plants for sale are certified organic and have been “hardened off,” meaning they are acclimated to the still chilly temperatures and are ready to be planted, weather permitting.

The plant sale is Saturday, May 13, 10 am‒2 pm, 502 Troy Drive.