Home Elected Officials Larry Palm, District 12 Alderperson

Larry Palm, District 12 Alderperson

Larry Palm, District 12 Alderperson
Larry Palm, District 12 Alderperson

I am honored to begin my third term as alder for District 12. In addition to serving on the Common Council, alders participate in a multitude of city and other committees. Every term Mayor Soglin appoints alders to committees, which change based upon the needs and concerns of the district, city and alder.

My committee appointments generally revolve around community planning (which includes housing, jobs and infrastructure) and the public market. Alder Rebecca Kemble and I also automatically serve on the Warner Park Community Recreation Center Advisory Committee because of our office.

Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC)
I’ve been a member of CARPC since its inception and the chair for the last few years. We have been involved in area-wide planning designed to grow our community while not using any more land or resources than necessary. The past few years we’ve been leading a public/private partnership called A Greater Madison Vision. For more information about CARPC, visit capitalarearpc.org.

Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (MPO)
New this term, I am on the MPO. This organization plans transportation infrastructure for the area and recommends federal funding for eligible projects. This used to be a part of CARPC’s predecessor organization, and I am increasingly aware of the need to plan transportation in conjunction with all the other planning exercises that occur. There are now three members of CARPC on the MPO board.

City-County Homeless Issues Committee
I am continuing on the City-County Homeless Issues Committee as we discuss how to implement the Day Resource Center (now named The Beacon), provide more affordable housing for homeless residents and work to improve the dignity and condition of homeless individuals in our community.

Public Market Development Committee
The Public Market Development Committee is essential to fulfilling the dream of a Madison Public Market. Given the proposed site, I believe it is extremely important that the District 12 alder is involved in the planning and operations of the Public Market.

Housing Strategy Committee
The Housing Strategy Committee recommends to the Common Council ways to improve and expand options for housing in the City of Madison, how to respond to housing and population trends and improve affordability of housing. All are difficult challenges that need multiyear approaches and long-term investments.